Design and Implementation of Brushless DC Motor Drive Using Current Source Inverter Based on Space Vector Modulation Strategy
Subject Areas : electrical and computer engineering
S. Paksaz
A. Halvaei Niasar
1 -
2 - Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Kashan
Keywords: Brushless DC motorcurrent source inverterspace vector modulation,
Abstract :
Today, the brushless DC motors (BLDCs) have been widely used in industry due to their unique advantages. These motors are generally fed from voltage source inverters (VSIs). These inverters have a very simple structure, but have problems such as unwanted short circuit across dc-bus and using bulky capacitor in the dc-bus. Using the current source inverters (CSI) is one of the ways to reduce the mentioned problems in VSI-BLDC motor drives. In this paper, the space vector modulation (SVM) strategy is employed for switching in CSI-BLDC motor drive in order to reduce the switching losses, minimize current and torque ripple and increase the reliability of the drive. The BLDC motor drive model is implemented in the Proteus simulator software and the motor behavior is simulated at different speeds. In order to confirm the simulation results, an experimental setup system is designed, implemented and tested.
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